
American Hospital Association content that is available to the public and all website users.

AHA shared with Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, and the Federal Trade Commission additional perspective on a recent Wall Street Journal article suggesting hospitals were at the root of contract terms that could disadvantage consumers.
Northern Maine Medical Center – Fort Kent, Maine Purchase of Retail Pharmacy Enhances Services to the Community In May 2018, Northern Maine Medical Center purchased a local retail pharmacy in an effort to improve patient outcomes, support patients’ medication adherence, reduce avoidable…
Hospitals are focusing on nutrition to care for all needs of their patients, sending them home with prescriptions as well as bags of healthy food.
As a part of the community health worker initiative, the AHA and the NUL hosted the Community Health Worker Consortium in Chicago, IL. Representatives from hospital and health system organizations, federal and state agencies, academic institutions and community-based organizations attended the…
Joint letter from AHA and six other national hospital associations to HHS affirming hospital and health system commitment to interoperability, while stating that Medicare and Medicaid conditions of participation are not an appropriate vehicle to achieve interoperability.
Hospitals and health systems use quality measurement, quality improvement (QI) and adoption of hospital field standards and best practices to continuously improve patient care. Public policies around quality — especially the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services' (CMS) quality reporting and…