
American Hospital Association content that is available to the public and all website users.

Download the full amicus brief below. Amicus American Hospital Association (“AHA”) respectfully submits this amicus curiae brief in support of Defendants Mark E. Cieniawski, M.D. and Michael B. Bruehl, M.D.’s Motions to Partially Vacate Conditional Transfer Orders (CTOs-47, -50, & -51). 
AHA responds to the Department of Health and Human Services Request for Information regarding the facilitation of a public-private dialogue to increase innovation and investment in the health care sector.
Today, leaders from the American Hospital Association (AHA) and individual 340B hospitals announced new principles for ensuring good stewardship of the 340B program.
Legal documents related to the government's motion to dismiss filed on Sept. 14, 2018.
The AHA, assisted by Ernst & Young LLP, has previously collected Schedule H tax filings to assist in advocacy efforts and demonstrate the community benefit tax-exempt hospitals provide to their communities.
September 11, 2018: The AHA, Association of American Medical Colleges, America’s Essential Hospitals, 340B Health and three hospital systems today asked a federal court to order the Department of Health and Human Services to make effective within 30 days a final rule requiring drug companies to…
Rural Advocacy Senate Hearing Examines Rural Health Care: The Senate Finance Committee May 24 held a hearing on "Rural Health Care in America: Challenges and Opportunities." In a statement submitted for the record, AHA recommended legislative and regulatory actions to maintain access to health…
ED Shooting Reveals Protocol Strengths and Areas for Improvement King’s Daughters’ Hospital | Madison, Ind. June 21, 2018, was a typical day in the emergency department (ED) at King’s Daughters’ Hospital. Serving southeast Indiana and northern Kentucky, the hospital’s ED was moderately busy that…