Health Care System

Web Resource


This online resource is dedicated to treating patients from different cultures. It provides information on various cultures, providing basic history, information on religion, health practices, and experiences with Western medicine.
A 2-page document that provides strategies on how to challenge everyday explicit and implicit biases in interpersonal interactions. Strategies include using humor, asking questions, inviting discussion, and using direct communication among others and provides some examples on how to carry these out…
This resource provide simple practices that health professionals can incorporate to develop skills around speaking respectfully about disability.
The purpose of this tool is to ensure equity by creating a lens through which each Healthy King County Coalition Workgroup better understands who is impacted by our policies and practices.
The guide is designed to: provide the strategies suggested by meeting participants and offer new ones to integrate and advance care that is family-centered and culturally and linguistically competent; and assist organizations and systems in meeting the MCHB performance measures for family-…
This blog offers guidance on how to get staff to get more involved in and discuss issues related to DEI. The blog focuses on creating employee resource groups, how to encourage and support them, and how to get them involved in internal DEI work.
This article covers implicit bias on a basic level, noting its role in policies and patient care while beginning to look at ways to reduce implict bias.
This blog post offers an overview on how to assess your organization's DEI understanding so they can make a plan to move forward in the work. This organization also links to multiple resources on DEI training, including webinars, a resource library, and success stories.
This article presents challenges and offer recommendations for facilitating the process of eliminating health disparities and achieving health equity across diverse populations.
This guidebook offers a section on why investing in communities is necessary for the benefit of the overall health of local populations and in encouraging accountability. The guidebook encourages the involvement of leaders in the local community.