Critical Access

Inpatient prospective payment system hospitals and critical access hospitals that did not achieve meaningful use of electronic health records under the Medicare EHR Incentive Program for 2017 can now apply for a hardship exception.
To help patients with transportation issues, Denver Health offers free bus tickets, cab vouchers, and a private car service through a vehicle donated by Oprah Winfrey.
Edgerton (WI) Hospital and Health Services is the first critical access hospital in the country to install a geothermal system, which relies on the earth’s natural temperature to heat and cool buildings. The system paid for itself in 6 years – that’s 9 years ahead of schedule. Click here to learn…
Introduction As you attend various workshops and sessions throughout the 2018 Rural Health Care Leadership Conference, you can share the following messages on social media to encourage support for rural health coverage. Join in with the #ruralhealth hashtag. Feel free to contact Emily Gustafson…
Critical access hospitals that did not achieve meaningful use in the Medicare Electronic Health Record Incentive Program for the 2016 reporting period or receive a hardship exception will see their Medicare payments reduced to 100% of their reasonable costs in fiscal year 2018.
Rural hospitals provide essential health care services to some 57 million people. Because of their size, modest assets and financial reserves, and higher percentages of Medicare patients, small and rural hospitals disproportionately rely on government payments.
Joan Coffman, president and CEO of Hospital Sisters Health System St. Mary’s Hospital in Decatur, IL, will lead the AHA's Section for Small or Rural Hospitals in 2018. Coffman will chair the section's 19-person governing council, which represents small or rural hospitals in the AHA's policy process…
Method I Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs) Under Method I, the CAH bills Medicare for facility services and clinicians’ professional services separately under the physician fee schedule (PFS). In this case, The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) will not make MIPS adjustments to a…
House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) and Ranking Member Richard Neal (D-MA) November 15 released the outline of a bipartisan agreement to extend several Medicare payment programs, including the Medicare-dependent Hospital and Low-volume Adjustment programs.