Rick Pollack


Disaster/Outbreak Preparedness, Population/Community Health

Blog: Front-line Workers Step Up During Record Wildfires

Americans everywhere have watched with increasing dismay and alarm as 94 major wildfires continue to incinerate wide swaths of our beautiful Western states. As of this writing, the infernos — which are most heavily concentrated in California, Washington, Oregon and Idaho — have scorched nearly 5 million acres, an area approximately the size of Connecticut and Rhode Island combined.


Perspective: Never Forget … Always There Ready to Care

This morning, like most mornings, I looked at a picture outside of my office that was taken on Sept. 11, 2001. The picture shows doctors, nurses, administrators and other caregivers standing outside the emergency department of my local community hospital in Arlington, Va., waiting to treat victims of the attack at the Pentagon. 

Novel Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19), COVID-19: Caring for Patients and Communities

COVID-19's death count is real. So is the financial strain on life-saving hospitals.

For the last several months, disturbing and unproven theories have gained traction – mostly on social media – about the death count for COVID-19.

Hospitals and health systems are eligible to receive higher payments for complex COVID-19-related treatment under the CARES Act – that much is true.

But there are several myths out there too. We need to set the record straight.

Hospitals do not receive extra funds when patients die from COVID-19. They are not over-reporting COVID-19 cases. And, they are not making money on treating COVID-19.


Perspective: We Care and We Must Vote

A century ago, nominating a presidential ticket during political conventions was an arduous marathon. The Democrats opened their convention with 14 names in serious contention, while the Republicans had to whittle down their list from a dozen hopefuls.  

Novel Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19), COVID-19: Caring for Patients and Communities, COVID-19: Protecting Health Care Workers

Perspective: Recharging Our Caregivers for the Best Patient Care

August is traditionally the time to take a break, go on vacation, or just slow it down and relax for a bit. For many people, that’s off the table this year. COVID-19’s impact on health, our economy and our ability to gather in groups has been a game changer for people’s personal plans.

Novel Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19), COVID-19: Caring for Patients and Communities, COVID-19: Supplies and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), Leadership

Perspective: It’s Time to Take Our Shot on COVID-19 Relief

There’s a poignant moment in Hamilton: An American Musical in which a despondent George Washington laments the long odds of his revolution, “a powder keg about to explode” unless he receives an immediate infusion of the supplies and reinforcements he was initially promised at the war’s start.