Rick Pollack


Regulatory Relief

Perspective: Talking Regulatory Relief With Seema Verma

We know that every day America’s hospitals and health systems—and other health care providers—are faced with the daunting task of complying with a growing number of federal regulations.
Make no mistake about it—we understand the need for “responsible” regulation—that ensures public accountability in meeting the highest standards of care … and improves the beneficiary experience.

Care Delivery

Keeping the promise — always there

As they always do in times of crisis, the women and men of America’s hospitals and health systems showed selfless dedication, honed skills and compassionate caring in dealing with the natural and manmade disasters that rocked the nation in 2017. For example:

HIPAA, Regulatory Relief

Making Progress on Regulatory Relief

The sheer volume of regulations on the books and the scope of change required in meeting them are outstripping the hospital field’s ability to absorb them. Fortunately, there has been growing recognition of this fact from the Administration and those on Capitol Hill, along with some measurable progress.