Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resources and Special Communications

Below are links to AHA resources developed in response to novel coronavirus (COVID-19). For all coronavirus resources and news updates, visit our COVID-19 page.


The American Hospital Association (AHA) supports the Eliminating the Provider Relief Fund Tax Penalties Act of 2020.
The American Hospital Association (AHA) supports the Eliminating the Provider Relief Fund Tax Penalties Act of 2020.
To address food insecurity in New Mexico, Albuquerque-based Presbyterian Healthcare Services is offering free meals for children at seven hospitals statewide.
Saint Anthony Hospital in Chicago is continuing to provide free mental health services targeting minority and immigrant populations – and offering counseling services to staff too.
On June 10, Clarke County Hospital, a 25-bed critical access hospital in Osceola, Iowa, was awarded by the Federal Communications Commission, $170,072 as part of the agency’s COVID-19 Telehealth Pr
AHA urges the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services to continue its suspension of medical review activities throughout the ongoing COVID-19 public health emergency.
On this Advancing Health podcast, Joy Lewis, AHA vice president for strategic policy planning, and Allen Smart, principal at Winston-Salem, N.C.-based PhilanthropywoRx, discuss the imperative for r
In this podcast, Nancy Foster, Vice President for Quality and Patient Safety Policy at the AHA, is joined by Paul Skolnik, chair of medicine and an infectious disease specialist at Carillion Clinic
Six national organizations representing hospitals, including the AHA, urge the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services to delay the start of repayments associated with the Medicare Accelerated and Advance Payment Programs.
COVID-19 continues to spread throughout much of the country. Many states are experiencing spikes in cases. Media outlets report a daily total of confirmed cases, hospitalizations and deaths from the virus. But the financial havoc the pandemic is wreaking on hospital and health system finances is only beginning to be understood.
Kittitas Valley Healthcare in Ellensburg, Wash., was among the first in the country to feel the impact of the COVID-19 su
Senate Republicans this afternoon released a series of bills aimed at addressing the COVID-19 pandemic. The bills represent Senate Republicans’ offer on the next COVID-19 relief package.
For all the challenges that COVID-19 has presented, the pandemic also has created significant learning opportunities. Every day, provider organizations are innovating, forging and expanding partnerships, finding better ways to better communicate internally and externally and identifying ways to optimize supply chain management.
Monitoring confirmed or suspected COVID-19 patients at home and remaining in regular contact can be a challenge, but the University of Pennsylvania Health System (UPHS) has come up with an automated text messaging system that has been working effectively.
This issue brief from the American Hospital Association highlights housing security as a significant factor in COVID-19 prevention and treatment. It offers five actions that hospitals and health systems can take to address housing instability and improve health in their communities, with links to case examples and additional resources.
AHA President and CEO Rick Pollack released a statement of support over the Administration's announcement to extend the public health emergency.
On June 30, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services issued its calendar year 2021 proposed rule for the home health prospective payment system. Comments on the proposed rule are due to CMS by Aug. 24.