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CMS announces changes to hospital price transparency enforcement process

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services today announced changes to its enforcement process for the hospital price transparency rule. CMS said it will now automatically impose a civil monetary penalty if hospitals fail to submit a corrective action plan on time or fail to complete the CAP within 45 days.

AHA Podcast: Innovating Virus Care for Pediatric Patients

A senior executive from Children’s Hospital Colorado shares how the pediatric health system managed an unprecedented surge in patients with COVID-19, RSV and flu.

AHA comments on proposed changes to Medicaid DSH calculation

Commenting April 25 on a proposed rule implementing statutory changes to how Medicaid calculates the hospital-specific limit for certain Disproportionate Share Hospitals, AHA said it remains concerned that the changes will lower the hospital-specific DSH limit at a time when hospitals can least afford it.

AHA Comments on the Disproportionate Share Hospital (DSH) Third-Party Payer Proposed Rule

AHA's comments on the CMS Disproportionate Share Hospital (DSH) Third-Party Payer proposed rule.

AHA Testimony for the Committee on Ways and Means Subcommittee on Oversight

Tax-exempt hospitals have special obligations to their communities in exchange for that privilege. They report the amounts they spend on community benefits yearly and conduct a community needs assessment at least every three years. There is no doubt that these hospitals both meet and exceed any requirements and expectations that attach to the privilege of tax exemption.
Webinar Recordings

AHA's Rural Webinars

You can watch rural webinar recordings from the American Hospital Association.

AHA Testimony for the Committee on Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health

Chairman Guthrie, Ranking Member Eshoo, and members of the Subcommittee, I am Ashley Thompson, senior vice president of public polic

AHA Statement for Committee on Education & the Workforce Subcommittee on Health, Employment, Labor, & Pensions

The AHA and its members are committed to promoting affordability and value to advance the health of our patients. Given the hearing’s focus of reducing health care costs, we provide comments on a number of policies aimed at increasing access to quality care at reduced costs.

Big Changes with the New Rural Emergency Hospital Model

For critical access hospitals and rural hospitals with 50 beds or fewer, an attractive new option became available on January 1st of this year. That was the opportunity to seek designation as a new rural emergency hospital, which expands the conditions under which hospitals can seek payment from Medicare.

Innovating Virus Care for Pediatric Patients

Hospitals across the country have found innovative ways to increase their capacity, improve care and take care of health care workers while treating COVID-19 patients throughout this pandemic.