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FBI Director Wray talks cyberattacks, workplace violence 

FBI Director Christopher Wray detailed how the U.S. health care system has become a valuable target for cyberattacks from nation-states and independent cybercriminals, and how hospitals can team up with the FBI to defend against and, ideally, prevent such attacks.

Senator Young speaks on pandemic lessons, what’s ahead for Congress

Sen. Todd Young, R-Ind., spoke to attendees about the role of Congress as the health care field moves beyond the COVID-19 pandemic, a time when the entire country “learned just how essential essential workers are.”

Nebraska lawmaker voices support for permanent COVID-19-era flexibilities 

Rep. Adrian Smith, R-Neb., told attendees he supports making permanent some flexibilities initiated during the COVID-19 pandemic that have improved the nation’s health care system.

NH senator challenges hospital leaders to continuously improve for patients

Sen. Maggie Hassan, D-N.H., stressed that patients expect hospitals to put them first, and challenged the field to have “tough conversations” about how to ensure that continues to happen. 

AHA presents Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi with Award of Honor  

The AHA April 24 presented its 2023 Award of Honor to Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi for her efforts to advance health care throughout her career.

Panel touts integrated care as solution to behavioral health care crisis

Patients are facing difficulties accessing care, while hospitals struggle with workforce and administrative challenges arising from prior authorizations, paperwork and other burdens, according to a panel discussion Sunday focused on behavioral health. 

Highlights from the 2023 AHA Annual Membership Meeting (Days 2&3)

AHA presented Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi with the Award of Honor.  

Four-star admiral: Future pandemics, climate change warrant prominent discussion on the global threat landscape 

The array of global threats and challenges are myriad, retired Navy Adm. James Stavridis told hospital and health system leaders, noting that future pandemics, coupled with climate change, must be counted as serious concerns. 

VA leader: Access to care, workforce among our shared challenges 

The Veterans Affairs health care system shares many challenges with its non-federal counterparts, and workforce recruitment and access to care are at the top of that list, VA Under Secretary for Health Shereef Elnahal, M.D., told AHA annual meeting attendees during a conversation with AHA Chair-elect Joanne Conroy, M.D., president and CEO of Dartmouth Health. 

White House COVID-19 Response Coordinator speaks on the end of the public health emergency

Addressing the AHA annual meeting, Ashish Jha, M.D., White House COVID-19 response coordinator, whose term will end May 11 with the COVID-19 public health emergency, reflected on his time in the Administration.