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House hearing examines health care costs and consolidation

Mergers and acquisitions are a vital tool to keep financially struggling hospitals open and allow hospitals and health systems to reduce costs, improve quality and better serve patients where they live, AHA told the House Ways and Means Health Subcommittee May 17 in a statement submitted for a hearing on health care costs and consolidation.

AHA recommends congressional action to improve rural access to care

Congress should support flexible payment options and update reimbursement rates to help rural hospitals overcome the challenges that threaten access to care in rural communities, the AHA told the Senate Finance Subcommittee on Health Care in a statement submitted for a hearing May 17 on the issue.

Senate investigates Medicare Advantage coverage denials and delays

AHA May 17 shared with the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations its concern that some MA plans inappropriately restrict beneficiary access to medically necessary covered services and urged Congress to increase its oversight of these plans.

House E&C Health Subcommittee advances series of health care bills; AHA submits comments on bills affecting hospitals

The House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health May 17 considered a series of health care bills, including a number focused on provisions that would affect hospitals and health systems.

Resource Center AHA Reports and Studies

AHA reports and studies available from the Resource Center.

Catalog of Resources

The AHA Resource Center library collection focuses on the administrative aspects of health care delivery, housing the most extensive collection of books and historic documents on health care admini

AHA House Testimony on VHA Recruitment and Retention: Is Bureaucracy Holding Back a Quality Workforce?

Testimony of the American Hospital Association

AHA Statement to Ways and Means Subcommittee on Consolidated Markets

AHA statement for the record to the Ways and Means Subcommittee on Health to provide the hospital perspective on how hospital mergers and acquisitions can expand and preserve access to quality care.

AHA Statement to Senate Subcommittee on Medicare Advantage Delays and Denials

AHA Statement to Senate Subcommittee on Medicare Advantage Delays and Denials

Supporting the Behavioral Health of Older Americans

Arpan Waghray, M.D., CEO, Providence’s Well Being Trust Past Chair, American Hospital Association Committee on Behavioral Health