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33537 Results Found


Committee issues discussion draft of 21st Century Cures legislation

House Energy and Commerce Committee leaders today

White House holds meeting on Ebola-related waste

The White House National Security Council today held a meeting with health care and environmental stakeholders to address challenges with Ebola-related waste management and disposal.

AHA launches online tool for updating hospital data for AHA Guide

Hospitals can update their organizational information for the AHA Guide online through June 1.

HCA to donate up to $1 million to Nepal earthquake relief

HCA today announced it will give up to $1 million to support the Ne

Hospitals concerned about Trade bill's Medicare cuts

The Senate next week could consider the “Trade Promotion Authority” bill, which partly would pay for the cost of extending the Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) program by imposing addi

Hospital leaders will carry message of relief, reform and resources to Congress

Hospital and health system leaders from across the country are coming to Washington, D.C., for the AHA Annual Membership Meeting, May 3-6, and to carry hospitals’ advocacy message of relief,

'Shattered Dreams' program aims to reduce underage drinking, injuries in Texas

Car accidents are the leading cause of death for young Americans.

IOM panel proposes framework for prioritizing U.S. measures of health, health care

An Institute of Medicine committee today recommended 15 core measures, or “vital signs,” and 32 related priority measures for tracking U.S.

AHA: Op-ed piece looks at health care consolidation through rearview mirror

In a letter to the editor of the Wall Street Jo

NIH announces new director of minority health institute

The National Institutes of Health today named Eliseo Pérez-Stable, M.D., director of the National Institut