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33536 Results Found


CMS issues proposed FY 2016 inpatient PPS rule

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services late today issued its hospital inpatient prospective payment system

CMS issues proposed FY 2016 LTCH rule

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services late today issued its long-term care hospital prospective payment system

Agencies issue proposed rule, guidance on workplace wellness programs

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission yesterday issued a proposed rule describ

AHASTAT: NASI pricing report looks at health care through rear-view mirror

While making important contributions, a new report by the Nat

Survey: 15 million fewer uninsured adults since Marketplaces opened

An estimated 15 million U.S.

CDC: e-cigarette use triples among youth

About 4% of middle school students and 13% of high school students reported using electronic cigarettes in the past month when surveyed in 2014, about triple the rate for both groups in 2013, accor

AHA to Congress: Too soon to commit to one post-acute bundled payment approach

When it comes to bundling payments for post-acute care, now is the time for testing and learning rather than adoption and implementation, AHA told the House Energy & Commerce Health Subcommitte

President signs legislation to replace Medicare SGR formula

President Obama Thursday signed into law the “Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act,” H.R.

AHA urges Congress to retain key tax code provisions related to hospitals

AHA yesterday urged the Senate Finance Committee to retain certain key tax code provisions related to 501(c)(3) hospitals as it develops recommendations for reforming the nation’s tax code.