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33539 Results Found


Hospitals across America

This is National Hospital Week, a time for hospitals to celebrate the employees, volunteers and others that contribute to their collective work.

Report: 4.3 million people would gain coverage if all states expanded Medicaid

An estimated 4.3 million people would gain health coverage in 2016 if the 21 states that have not expanded Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act were to do so, according to an updated

Hospitals add 11,800 jobs in April

Employment at the nation's hospitals rose by 0.24% in April to a seasonally adjusted 4,858,600 people, the Bureau of Labor Statistics

Hospital leaders urge Congress to support unique needs of rural patients

Hospital leaders today urged the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education and Related Agencies to eliminate unnecessary regulatory burdens and support feder

President to nominate DeSalvo as HHS assistant secretary for health

President Obama yesterday announced he will nominat

Report: Per capita spending for privately insured children with diabetes on rise

Among Americans with employer-sponsored health insurance, per capita spending on health care for people with diabetes grew more for children than for any other age group in 2012 (7%) and 2013 (9.6%

Hospital leaders urge Congress to support unique needs of rural patients

Hospital leaders today urged the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education and Related Agencies to eliminate unnecessary regulatory burdens and support feder

Survey estimates 16.9 million adults gained health coverage over 18 months

The number of uninsured working-age adults fell by 16.9 million between September 2013 and February 2015, to 25.8 million, according to a

Senate approves FY 2016 budget conference agreement

The Senate voted 51-48 last night to approve a fiscal year 2016 budget conference agreement