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33539 Results Found


Senate Finance working group to develop Medicare chronic care legislation

The Senate Finance Committee will seek input from stakeholders on legislative proposals to improve care for Medicare patients with chronic conditions, a large and growing share of Medicare spending

FDA alerts health care facilities to infusion pump cybersecurity vulnerability

The Food and Drug Administration yesterday issued recommendations for health care faciliti

OSHA/NIOSH issue toolkit for hospital staff respiratory protection programs

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration and National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health today released a

FDA guidance would revise blood donor deferral recommendations

The Food and Drug Administration this week issued

2012 Schedule Hs show hospitals benefit communities in many ways

Hospitals spend an average of 12.3% of their total expenses on community benefits, according to a new report by Ernst & Young.

AHA weighs in on 21st Century Cures proposal

The AHA supports the intent of draft legislation to accelerate and improve the discovery, development and delivery of new cures and treatments for patients, but would strongly object to any reducti

AHA urges Congress to enact RAC reforms

The AHA today urged Congress to remove the perverse financial incentives that encourage Medicare Recovery Audit Contractors to deny claims; reduce payments to RACs with a high rate of overturned de

Committee updates 21st Century Cures discussion draft

The House Energy and Commerce Committee today released an update to its draft legislation to accele

Altarum: Health sector jobs hit 15 million

The health care sector added 226,000 jobs over the past six months, the largest increase in at least 25 years, and now employs more than 15 million, according to the latest

PLF webinar on May 20 to focus on new ways to engage consumers

The AHA’s Physician Leadership Forum will host a webinar May 20 on the changing health care landscape and new ways to engage consumers. During the complimentary webinar, at 2:30 p.m.