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33533 Results Found

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Skilled Nursing Facility PPS

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) July 31 issued its fiscal year (FY) 2024 final rule for the skilled nursing facility (SNF) prospective payment system (PPS).

AHA Comment Letter on the Senate Pay PCPs Act (S. 4338)

The American Hospital Association (AHA) writes to the Senate to provide comment on the request for information (RFI) based on the Pay PCPs Act (S. 4338).

Behavioral Health Resources: Clinical Innovation

The resources in this area showcase multiple clinical innovations, including how the integration of physical and behavioral health improves patient outcomes and satisfaction, and reduces the total cost of care; how digital solutions can expand access to care and fill gaps in the continuum of care, and more.

AHA comments to senators on proposed legislation to improve primary care payment 

The AHA July 15 commented to Senators Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I., and Bill Cassidy, R-La., responding to a request for information based on the Pay PCPs Act, legislation designed to improve support and pay for primary care providers.

AHA podcast: How a Rural Health System Continues to Provide Essential Obstetric Services 

Kittitas Valley Healthcare, based in Ellensburg, Wash., was delivering 300-350 babies each year in the region prior to 2022, offering the area’s only comprehensive obstetric services.

CDC confirms four human cases of bird flu at Colorado poultry facility 

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention July 14 announced four confirmed human cases of H5N1 bird flu among farm workers who were working at a Colorado poultry facility.

Behavioral Health: Advocacy & Regulatory Resources

This section highlights the latest of these efforts and key topics impacted by them, including full implementation of the parity law, modification/elimination of 42CFR-Part 2, expanding funding for opiate use disorder treatment, appropriate quality measures, and more.

Behavioral Health Resources: Access & Capacity

The resources in this section offer examples of solutions to many of these challenges as well as ways members are innovating to adapt to the changing landscape of behavioral health care.

Behavioral Health Resources: Awareness & Prevention

The resources in this section help educate and inform hospitals and health systems on the importance and value of reducing stigma, as well as prevention and early intervention initiatives for individuals with behavioral health disorders.

Behavioral Health: Community Partnerships

The resources on this page showcase stories and the steps to achieving successful behavioral health community partnerships and expand access to behavioral health services at the right time, place and level of care.