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33533 Results Found


Delaware, Tennessee become first states to provide diapers through Medicaid

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services recently announced the approval of Delaware and Tennessee as the first states to provide diapers to children covered by Medicaid.

Senate committee passes legislation on mental health, emergency pediatric services

The Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions May 23 passed legislation that included proposals on mental health and emergency pediatric services during a markup session.

Senate Finance Committee hearing explores rural health challenges

The AHA shared a series of proposals to strengthen rural health care with the Senate Finance Committee for a hearing May 16 titled, “Rural Health Care: Supporting Lives and Improving Communities.”

House reauthorizes Emergency Medical Services for Children Program

The House May 15 passed legislation reauthorizing the Emergency Medical Services for Children Program (H.R. 6960) for an additional five years, providing funding for equipment and training to help hospitals and paramedics treat pediatric emergencies.
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Telling the Hospital Story: Media Resources

Explore videos, podcasts, and digital resources highlighting the stories of hospitals going above and beyond to care for their patients and communities throughout America.

The Dual Impact: Utilizing Advances in Patient Monitoring for Clinical Workflows & Case Reviews

The Dual Impact: Utilizing Advances in Patient Monitoring for Clinical Workflows & Case Reviews 

Enabling More Efficient Clinical Review and Care Transitions

Amid recent investigations and heightened scrutiny of AI, PAA emphasizes the importance of transparent and accountable AI systems in healthcare.

Carolyn Boone Lewis Equity of Care Awards

The Carolyn Boone Lewis Equity of Care Awards are given annually in recognition of outstanding efforts among hospitals and health care systems to advance equity of care to all patients and to spread lessons learned and progress toward diversity, inclusion and health equity.