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33533 Results Found

Issue Landing Page

AHA Patient Safety Initiative

The Patient Safety Initiative is a collaborative, data-driven effort that gives hospitals and health systems a strong voice in the national conversation around health care safety, centering the views of clinicians, and telling the hospital and health system patient safety story.
Landing Page

Behavioral Health

This web page is designed to provide easy access to information and tools that will assist hospitals and health systems in navigating the changing behavioral health care system and understanding national, state and local activities affecting behavioral health.

DEI Benchmark Survey

IFDHE’s biennial DEI Benchmark Survey provides a snapshot of member and non-member hospitals’ attitudes and practices regarding diversity in the workforce; leadership and governance; equity; and inclusive policies and behavior.
Issue Landing Page

Patient Safety Initiative Resources

The AHA has worked with hospitals and health systems to share tools that help build a culture of patient safety and adopt best practices.

Post-Acute Care Advocacy Alliance Member Updates

Post Acute Care Updates

Post-Acute Care Advocacy Alliance Update July 11, 2024

Post-Acute Care Advocacy Alliance Update for July 11, 2024.
Issue Landing Page

Suicide Prevention Resources

Learn about suicide prevention during Suicide Prevention Awareness Month with resources from the American Hospital Association.

Social Isolation and Loneliness: Understanding a Mental Health Crisis

Social isolation and loneliness are important social determinants of physical and mental health that we, as a society, need to pay attention to and develop ways to mitigate their deleterious effects.

Providing Behavioral Health Support for Older Adults

In this conversation, Broaddus Hospital's Dana Gould, CEO, and Donetta McVicker, program director of Senior Life Solutions, share how they are working to identify and fill the unique mental health needs of their older community members.
Issue Brief

Issue Brief: Building a Safe Workplace and Community - Violence Mitigation in a Culture of Safety

This issue brief, the third of four in the series, examines how hospitals’ violence mitigation efforts can fit effectively into an organization’s culture of safety strategy.