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33561 Results Found


WHO reports Ebola death in Liberia, case cluster in Guinea

The World Health Organization today reported an Ebola death in Liberia, which it

Hospitals add 10,200 jobs in March

Employment at the nation's hospitals rose by 0.20% in March to a seasonally adjusted 5,039,700 people, the Bureau of Labor Statistics

CDC honors hospitals and health systems for VTE prevention

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention yesterday recognized hospitals

FDA issues draft guidance on labeling for biosimilar products

The Food and Drug Administration today issued draft labeling recommendations for proposed biosimilar products, which pertain to prescribing information and certain FDA-approved patient labeling.

NH Senate reauthorizes Medicaid expansion alternative

The New Hampshire Senate today voted to reauthorize the state’s Medicaid expansion alternative, which provides private health coverage to more than 48,000 low-income uninsured residents.

AHA issues guide for improving the patient experience through the physical environment

One way for hospitals to improve patient satisfaction is to focus on their physical environment, according to a new

AHA posts resources to help hospitals celebrate Donate Life Month

April is National Donate Life Month, commemorating those who have received or continue to wait for lifesaving transplants as well as the donors who save and heal lives. More than 121,000 U.S.

Great Boards spring newsletter available

The spring issue of AHA’s Great Boards newsletter features articles on mis

Crouse Hospital puts RTs at the center of COPD care

Crouse Hospital in Syracuse, N.Y., is changing the way it cares for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients by giving respiratory therapists (RT) a much bigger role in their care.

Become a donor and promote the gift of hope in April and throughout the year

April is National Donate Life Month, when the AHA encourages everyone to consider becoming organ, eye and tissue donors.