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33561 Results Found


House Oversight and Government Reform panel examines heroin, opioid abuse

One barrier to appropriate care for patients with substance use disorders is the Medicaid exclusion for “institutions for mental disease,” Rep.

FDA proposes ban on most powdered medical gloves

The Food and Drug Administration today issued a proposed rule that would ban most po

Medical school seniors, others matched to residency slots

A record 17,057 U.S.

Reminder: AHA webinar tomorrow to review latest RAC survey data, policy updates

Hospital representatives are invited to learn more about recent policy and legal activities impacting the Medicare Recovery Audit Contractor program and review results from the AHA's latest RAC

HHS issues national pain strategy

The Department of Health and Human Services today issued a national strategy for improving pain care, whi

FDA approves emergency use of new Zika diagnostic tool

The Food and Drug Administration has issued an Emergency Use Authorization for a new diagnostic tool that can detect whether an individual is currently infected with chikungunya, dengue or Zika, in

Study: Impact of ACA cost-sharing reduction varies widely by Marketplace plan

Out-of-pocket costs for people who qualify for reduced cost-sharing through the Health Insurance Marketplace vary substantially by health plan, according to a

Hospitals bolster Georgia economy, but challenged financially

Georgia hospitals contributed $43.6 billion to the state’s economy in 2014, employing more than 160,000 people and indirectly supporting more than 364,000 jobs, according to a

AHA shares suggestions for new physician payment models with Congress

The AHA today submitted to the House Energy and Commerce Committee several overarching recommendations for the Merit-based Incentive Payment System and alternative payment models, which will affect