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33575 Results Found


National Economic Council announces special assistant for health care policy

National Economic Council Director Gary Cohn yesterday

OMB releases draft budget blueprint for discretionary spending

Office of Management and Budget Director Mick Mulvaney today released the president’s budget blueprint to federal agencies for review, which includes draft top-line numbers for discretionary

CMS seeks input on pediatric alternative payment model concepts

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services seeks input through March 28 on a draft pediatric care model concept for children and youth covered by Medicaid and the State Children’s Healt

VA Secretary Shulkin to address AHA annual meeting

Secretary of Veterans Affairs David Shulkin, M.D., will address the 2017 AHA Annual Membership Meeting, on Monday, May 8.

CDC webinar March 16 on VTE prevention

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention will host a free webinar March 16 on str

Hospitals add $6.8 billion to Iowa economy

Iowa hospitals generate more than 127,000 jobs that add nearly $6.8 billion to the state's economy, according to a new

Strong rural hospitals require both smart affiliation strategies and federal policies, says LifePoint Health's Bill Carpenter

Smart affiliation strategies and smart federal policies will be critical to the survival of many non-urban hospitals, says AHA board member William “Bill” Carpenter III, chairman and CE

Draft House ACA legislation made public

Today, draft legislative language became public regarding potential Affordable Care Act repeal and replace legislation that may be con

AHA to MedPAC: Base MACRA proposals on data, experience from field

The AHA today strongly urged the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission to “draw upon data and experience from the field” before proposing policy changes to the new Merit-based Incentive