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33575 Results Found


Council hosts Pollack, Tavenner for health care policy discussion

The Nashville Health Care Council yesterday hosted a health care policy dis

CDC reports on 2014 health care access and use by adults

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention this week released a report summarizing 2014 data on health

CMS extends transitional policy for non-grandfathered coverage

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services today anno

Reminder: Organizations invited to apply for 2017 Foster G. McGaw Prize

The AHA, along with Baxter International Foundation and the Health Research & Educational Trust, is accepting

NIH testing vaccine to protect against mosquito-borne diseases

The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases has launched a

AHA report offers tools to help hospitals align their workforce with changing needs

The AHA’s 2016 Committee on Performance Improvement today issued a report to help hospital and heal

ASHRM announces new executive director

The AHA’s American Society for Healthcare Risk Management has named as its new executive director

House, administration request continuance in ACA cost-sharing subsidies challenge

The Trump administration today joined House Republicans in asking the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit to continue to suspend proceedings in House v.

Administration clarifies border and immigration enforcement policies

Department of Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly today issued two memoranda regarding border security