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33575 Results Found


CDC issues data brief on ED visits by seniors

Hospital emergency departments receive an annual average of 15.5 million visits for illness and 5.2 million visits for injury by adults aged 65 and older, according to a new

CMS updates timeline for QHP certification for calendar year 2017

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services today released an updated

CMS awards $100 million to help small practices with Quality Payment Program

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services today awarded

CDC: Flu vaccine 48% effective this season

This season’s flu vaccine has been 48% effective at preventing flu-related outpatient visits for acute respiratory illness, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Virginia hospitals provide $2.9 billion in community support

Virginia hospitals and health systems provided $2.92 billion in community benefit and other types of community support in 2015, according to the latest annual

CMS delays effective date of certain CJR program changes to March 21

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services yesterday delayed, in accordance with a

Senators ask HHS secretary to protect access to health care in rural communities

In a letter yesterday to Health and Human Services Secretary

Senate approves Mulvaney nomination for OMB director

The Senate today voted 51-49 along party lines to approve President Trump’s nomination of Rep. Mick Mulvaney (R-SC) to serve as director of the Office of Management and Budget.

Senate Finance Committee holds confirmation hearing for CMS administrator

The Senate Finance Committee today held a confirmation hearing for health care cons

House holds hearing on bill to repeal antitrust exemption for health insurers

The House Judiciary Committee today held a subcommittee hearing on