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33575 Results Found


MACPAC: Disproportionate Share Hospitals still face significant financial difficulties

The Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission today released its March report to Co

HHS outlines plans for improving Medicaid collaboration with states

In a letter yesterday to governors, Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price and Ce

CMS: 12.2 million select Marketplace plan during 2017 open enrollment

More than 12.2 million people selected a plan through the Health Insurance Marketplaces during 2017 open enrollment, about 500,000 fewer than last year, according to a

CMS, HRSA release Medicare chronic care management resources

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ Office of Minority Health and Health Resources and Service Administration’s Federal Office of Rural Health Policy today launched an edu

Senate confirms Verma as CMS administrator

The U.S. Senate last night voted 55-43 to approve President Trump’s nomination of Seema Verma to serve as Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services administrator.

CDC updates blood and tissue safety risk for three Florida counties

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention yesterday announced the potential for increased risk to blood and tissue

Online training on National Healthcare Safety Network available March 20-24

The National Healthcare Safety Network will webcast on March 20-24 its annual training program for people who use the system to submit data on healthcare-associated infections for acute-care or lon

IHI, NPSF to merge; propose 'public health framework' to advance patient safety

The Institute for Healthcare Improvement and National Patient Safety Foundation yesterday

CBO estimates impact of ACA repeal legislation on coverage, budget

The Congressional Budget Office and the staff of the Joint Committee on Taxation today released an estimate of the effects o

Medicare inpatient quality reporting deadline unchanged

Hospitals participating in the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’