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33586 Results Found


Stabilize the Exchanges

Congress returns to Washington next week with some important decisions to make in a short time.


America’s hospital and health systems must be prepared to battle viruses every day – and that includes the malicious malware viruses attacking hospital computers, networks, and connected devices.

Make Your Voice Heard Now

Congress returned this week from its spring break—and so did the American Health Care Act. The latest version of the AHCA is being changed to include an amendment authored by Rep.

Hospital State Leaders are Grassroots Champions

The American Hospital Association Grassroots Champion Award  recognizes those hospital leaders who most effectively educate elected officials on how major issues affect the hospital’s vita

Expand your talent pipeline through AHA's Institute for Diversity internship program

There’s only a few days left for your health care organization to sign up to participate in this year’s Institute for Diversity in Health Management (IFD) Summer Enrichment Program (SEP).

Fight to Protect Coverage Continues

America’s hospitals and health systems are deeply disappointed in the House passage of the American Health Care Act. This bill will jeopardize health coverage for millions of Americans.

Urge Your Senators to Protect Coverage

As you know, America’s hospitals and health systems are deeply disappointed in the House passage of the American Health Care Act because we believe it will jeopardize health coverage for millions o

Apply for the 2018 Circle of Life Award

Does your organization have an innovative palliative and end-of-life care program? If so, consider applying for the 2018 Circle of Life Award.

Virtual Behavioral Health Services

By Gene Woods

On Guard for Cyber Attacks

The recent worldwide ransomware attack proves just how important cybersecurity is for hospitals.