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33586 Results Found


Health care champions

This week’s AHA Leadership Summit in San Diego gives us the opportunity to honor our hospital and health system champions for their i

Let's Move Forward Together

In a dramatic early morning vote, after months of debate in both houses of Congress, today the Senate voted down its latest attempt to repeal parts of the Affordable Care Act.

Community conversations

America’s hospitals take a lot of pride in staying close to their communities. We like to believe we have our fingers on the pulse of the people we serve.

Telehealth is changing care

The health care world is changing. New technologies are moving the field in new and different directions, all of which is good news for patients.

Full Plate Ahead - Washington's To-Do List

Senators have left Washington for their home states for a month-long recess.

Partnerships for building a culture of health

The AHA’s Health Research & Educational Trust (HRET) affiliate recently released a resource that points the way towar

Caregivers Shine a Light in the Darkness

By Nancy Agee

Apply for Quest for Quality Prize

After a one-year hiatus the AHA Quest for Quality Prize is back, updated to reflect the hospital and health system field’s broader emphasis on quality and improving health status. Oct.

AHA Recognizes Those at the Forefront

The AHA is eager to recognize excellence among America’s hospitals and health systems.

Continuously improving care

Looking for more evidence of the stellar work being done in health care across the country?