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33586 Results Found


Addressing behavioral health

As Mental Health Awareness Month draws to a close, we would like to thank the many hospitals and health systems across the country that are addressing their communities’ behavioral health needs, of

CBO scores underlines risk for uninsured

The latest Congressional Budget Office estimates on the impact of the American Health

Community Health Improvement Week

Keeping people healthy makes a lot more sense than treating them once they become ill.

Clock is Ticking on AHCA

Congress returns to Washington next week, and in the Senate, repeal and replace is the number-one legislative priority.

Join the Hospitals Against Violence campaign

All social and community ills seem to eventually find their way to the hospital. Certainly the results of violence do.

Three Weeks to Go

With three weeks to go until its scheduled July 4 recess, the Senate is focused on legislation to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act.

Reining in drug prices

A Senate committee today shined the spotlight on the wave of

Reducing the regulatory burden

Reducing administrative complexity in health care would save billions of dollars annually and allow providers to spend more time on patients, not paperwork. That’s what the AHA told

The Clock is Ticking

With only two weeks to go until a scheduled July 4 recess, the Senate continues to work on legislation to repeal and replace parts of the Affordable Care Act.

Spotlight Health is the big event in health care

More than 1,000 creative minds will come together at the fourth annual Spotlight Health to discuss the cutting-edge h