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33591 Results Found

Case Studies

Longmont United Hospital - Healthy Learning Paths

What is it?Longmont United Hospital (LUH) partners with Healthy Learning Paths (HLP), a non-profit organization whose mission is to empower children to lead healthy lives through the Be We
Case Studies

Brookings Health System - Volunteer Doulas

What is it?During registration, delivering parents are asked if they would like the free services of a volunteer doula.
Case Studies

Ruby Valley Hospital - Supporting Science Education in Ruby Valley Schools

What is it?Every fall, the medical staff at Ruby Valley Hospital’s Medical Clinic offer low-cost sports physicals for athletes at the local high schools.
Case Studies

Care New England Kent Hospital - AnchorED

What is it?The Providence Center, in collaboration with the state, provides on-call certified recovery coaches every weekend for patients in hospital emergency departments (EDs) across Rho
Case Studies

Memorial Medical Center - Nuestra Vida (Our Lives)

What is it?Nuestra Vida (Our Lives) is a collaborative effort between Memorial Medical Center and county government.
Case Studies

West Tennessee Health - HealthAware

What is it?HealthAware is an online health-risk assessment tool to identify an individual’s risk for heart disease, stroke, peripheral vascular disease or diabetes.
Case Studies

Agnesian HealthCare - ASTOP (Assist Survivors / Treatment / Outreach / Prevention)

What is it?Agnesian HealthCare has a long-standing partnership with ASTOP (Assist Survivors / Treatment / Outreach / Prevention), an independent sexual assault service provider offering co
Case Studies

Baptist Health and UF Health Jacksonville - Tipping the Scale Adolescent Advocacy and Intervention Mentoring Program

What is it?Tipping the Scale is a mentoring and advocacy program providing students in grades nine through 12 extensive case management, one-to-one mentoring, training in communication/pre
Case Studies

New Ulm Medical Center - Hearts Beat Back: The Heart of New Ulm Project

What is it?The Heart of New Ulm Project (HONU) is an award-winning, community-driven initiative to reduce heart attacks in the rural community of New Ulm.
Case Studies

Northeast Regional Medical Center - Healthy Woman

What is it?Since 2006, Healthy Woman has provided free monthly health education programs for women to improve their emotional and physical well-being.