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IFDHE Programs

Summer Enrichment Program

The Institute's Summer Enrichment Program (SEP) places diverse, graduate students pursuing advanced degrees in health care administration or a related field in 10-week, paid internships within health care organizations.
IFDHE Programs

Fall Enrichment Program (FEP)

Each fall, the Institute for Diversity and Health Equity partners with various hospital and health systems across the country to provide an 18-20 week paid internship opportunity for academically strong, diverse individuals. This opportunity is aimed at students who have completed their health care oriented graduate degree within the last two years. The Fall Enrichment Program (FEP) offers an immersive on-site experience for those who want to become exceptional hospital administrators and health care leaders.
Webinar Recordings

Inclusive, Local Hiring: Building the Pipeline to a Healthy Community

ACHI and the AHA Workforce Center hosted a webinar on how health systems can develop an inclusive, local hiring pipeline through creating more external community connections and internal career paths.

Video Library

This video library includes: A Trustee’s Guide to Population Health: Building New Foundations Linking Care with Community; The Board’s Role in a Changing Health Care Environment and Eliminating Harm; and Improving Patient Care: A Trustee Guide. These video series' include video modules, discussion guides and self-assessment tools.

The Board's Role in a Changing Health Care Environment Video Series

This series of brief videos and accompanying board discussion questions features prominent health care governance experts offering advice on key issues that boards need to address in this rapidly changing health care environment.

Eliminating Harm, Improving Patient Care: A Trustee Guide Video Series

The four video modules, discussion guide and self-assessment tool illustrate the important role that trustees play in the journey to improve patient care. They serve as a tool for all trustees to use as they work towards the goals of improving quality within their organizations and improving the health of their patients and communities they serve.

A Trustee's Guide to Population Health: Building New Foundations Linking Care with Community

The six videos and discussion guide included in this resource are designed to provide trustees with an overview of population health strategies, the foundational capabilities that health care leaders are using to redesign care, the importance of developing new partnerships, as well as specific actions for how trustees can participate with their organization’s leadership team to advance health within their community.
On-Demand Educational Webinars

Leadership and Board Continuity: The Keys to Lasting Organizational Performance

Leadership and Board Continuity: The Keys to Lasting Organizational Performance webinar recording.
On-Demand Educational Webinars

Improving Community Health: An Emerging Priority for Health System Governance

This webinar: Makes the case for health system engagement in multi-sector initiatives for improving community health. Discusses challenges system boards and leadership teams will likely have in participating in community health improvement. Makes recommendation for consideration by health system boards and leaders to make community health improvement an organizational and governance priority.
On-Demand Educational Webinars

Developing Creative Affiliations for New Capabilities

Presented by Kaufman Hall’s Anu Singh, this webinar provides guidance for hospital and health system boards to strategically consider: