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Trustee Articles

Health Care Governance in Changing Times

To navigate the choppy waters ahead, hospital and health system boards need to develop a plan to reengage all trustees and renew CEO and board leadership collaboration.
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Top Three Q&As on This Year’s “Twindemic” from Loma Linda University Health

As COVID-19 and its emerging variants continue to spread and the cold and flu season begins, hospitals and health systems are preparing early this year.
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Why the Flu Vaccine is More Important than Ever

The prospect of flu cases this season swamping the United States as well as COVID-19 is grim; co-infection with both respiratory viruses could be deadly.

COVID Inequities and Outreach Key Takeaways

AHA hospitals and partners have found several effective strategies that have been successful in increasing vaccine uptake. Over the coming weeks, we will highlight different strategies and examples of how they have been used to improve vaccine confidence.

Governance in the Time of Coronavirus: What governing boards should do to respond to the pandemic

This podcast highlights issues such as: prospective board authorizations for emergency spending and policy modifications; logistics for emergency board meetings and decision making; how boards can support and equally importantly not be a burden to management; clarifying emergency authority between system and subsidiary boards; what boards and their members should NOT do; the need for deeper executive and board succession planning; and others.

COVID-19 Pandemic: Trustees Share Heartfelt Messages with Rural Hospital Staff

From the moment the COVID-19 outbreak became reality, Coffey Health System (CHS) staff from every department hit the ground running. It wasn’t a question of if it would impact their small community of Burlington, Kansas, but when.

Thank You | Associate Program

Thank you for your interest in the AHA Associate program - where the business community and members connect
Trustee Articles

Creating Age-Friendly Health Systems

Hospital and health system trustees can help move forward an evidence-based framework to achieve better health for an aging population with complex care needs.
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AHA Events Status and New Sponsorship Opportunities

While the AHA has canceled our live events and all affiliated events through July due to the pandemic, important event sponsorship opportunities still exist for the remainder of 2020 — as do a host of other ways to engage with our members.

Safety and the Road to COVID-19 Recovery: The Role of the Board

As hospitals and health systems across the country begin and continue the “recovery” process during the COVID-19 outbreak, the AHA is keeping you updated with the latest information and resources. An important area to address is the role of governing boards as hospitals and health systems resume delivering comprehensive health care services.