
The American Hospital Association (AHA) shares certification information on Certified Materials & Resources Professional (CMRP), Certified Professional in Health Care Risk Management (CPHRM), Certified Health Care Environmental Services Professional (CHESP), Certified Health Care Facility Manager (CHFM), Certified Health Care Constructor (CHC), Mechanic Evaluation and Certification for Health Care (MECH) and other certifications offered through its AHA Certification Center for employees of hospitals and health systems.

Certified Professionals in Health Care Risk Management (CPHRM) have expertise in minimizing enterprise risk and improving patient safety.
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Certified Health Care Facility Managers (CHFM) have demonstrated mastery of the five core domains of health care facility management.
Certified Health Care Constructors (CHC) demonstrate proficiency in the complex and regulated environment of health care construction sites.
Start your journey to Certified in Executive Nursing Practice (CENP®) certification by studying for the exam with a cohort of colleagues.