AHA Center for Health Innovation Market Scan

AHA Center for Health Innovation’s Market Scan articles provide insights and analysis on the field’s latest developments in health care disruption, transformation and innovation.

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Deploying telehealth in rural areas and elsewhere to deliver care more efficiently while reducing costs and expanding access continues to accelerate. And the evidence is mounting that virtual care is delivering on these promises. This was a hot topic at the recent AHA Rural Health Care Leadership…
Winona (Minn.) Health is using an intelligent online exam tool built on an AI platform to automate care delivery and improve both efficiency and the patient experience for those in remote areas. Patients can access Winona Health’s SmartExam platform from Bright MD 24/7, complete an online…
The latest national “Futurescan” survey of health care executives found that 18% of respondents already have entered into at least three vertical partnerships with organizations in areas such as insurers and pharmaceutical companies, and another 63% are somewhat or very likely to do so within the…
Karen Conway, vice president of health care value at Global Healthcare Exchange, noted recently in HealthData Management that various technologies will help supply chain leaders in their organizational mission to facilitate better care at lower costs.
With rising prices for insulin and the costs of many other diabetes-related drugs taking their toll on patients, CVS Health recently announced that its pharmacy benefits management unit CVS Caremark is launching a program to enable employers and payers to offer these medications at no out-of-pocket…
Transforming health care to become more consumer-centered, less expensive and more innovative in where and how care is delivered has proven to be more challenging than many hospital and health system leaders envisioned. What’s more, many CEOs expect the pace of change to keep accelerating even as…
Google Cloud has hit a significant roadblock as it tries to execute its plans to help health care organizations turn their data into breakthroughs via better care and more streamlined operations. Epic Systems, one of the largest electronic health record companies in the nation, has been calling…
Widespread use of virtual care platforms to deliver primary care has been expected for some time now and a recent agreement between MDLIVE and Cigna could jump-start the transition.
As a follow-up to our report last week on the J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference, Maryjane Wurth, AHA executive vice president and chief operating officer, recently shared key takeaways from presentations by providers, technology firms, payers and others.
Leaders from health care delivery systems, insurers, the pharmaceuticals industry and technology companies converged on San Francisco last week for the annual J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference and got a close-up look at just how quickly the field is transforming. News came quickly on several fronts…