Wellness/Preventive Care

The American Hospital Association (AHA) provides resources for hospitals and health systems to improve wellness for individuals and communities through preventive health care.

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration has launched an Evidence-Based Practices Resource Center, which offers treatment improvement protocols, clinical practice guidelines and other tools related to opioids and other substance use prevention, treatment and recovery, and…
Opioid addiction is a mounting public health crisis. Individuals with substance use disorder are struggling with a brain disease. At our hospitals and health systems, we must promote a culture that fully understands this disease. And it’s important that health care providers make a distinction…
In an effort to change patients’ behavior, the hospital last year teamed up with Cambridge-Mass.-based Twine Health to launch an apps-based initiative that allows caregivers to check in with their patients and help them follow through on their health goals. 
Eskenazi Health hopes to reduce its current 22 percent readmission rate to 8 percent through its partnership with MOW. This initiative reduces readmission rates and provides better care for seniors suffering from chronic illnesses.
AHA will host a free webinar on successful hospital practices for promoting healthy behaviors.
The Class of 2020 profiles the women and men who joined the AHA board this year.
Because food insecurity can risk the well-being and development of a child, Arkansas Children’s Hospital has developed strategies to assist children and families suffering from it. 
Let's resolve to take the lead in our health and well-being.
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