Veterans Administration (VA)

AHA letter to Senators Isakson and Tester expressing support for S. 2372, the VA Maintaining Internal Systems and Strengthening Integrated Outside Networks Act of 2018 (VA MISSION Act of 2018).
The AHA today expressed support for the VA Maintaining Internal Systems and Strengthening Integrated Outside Networks Act of 2018 (S. 2372), known as the VA MISSION Act, bipartisan legislation to consolidate the Department of Veterans Affairs' community care programs into one permanent Veterans…
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REPLAY: TOWN HALL INTERACTIVE WEBCAST: VETERANS HEALTH AND PATIENT-CENTERED CARE PROGRAMS - May 22, 2018 Tom Nickels, AHA executive vice president of government relations and public policy, was joined by Kameron Matthews, M.D., acting deputy undersecretary for health for community care,…
President Trump today announced that he will nominate Acting Veterans Affairs Secretary Robert Wilkie to lead the department permanently.
The House of Representatives last night voted 347-70 to approve bipartisan legislation to streamline and consolidate the Department of Veterans Affairs’ community care programs into a permanent Veterans Community Care Program.
Please join us Tuesday, May 22, at 3:30 p.m. ET for a special Town Hall Webcast on veterans’ health.
The House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs today voted 20-2 to approve legislation to streamline and consolidate the Department of Veterans Affairs’ community care programs.
The Veterans Choice Program is designed to help community providers care for veterans, but billing and payment issues can arise. Call 877-881-7618 for assistance.