Social Determinants of Health

Community investment Series, otherwise known as place-based investment, helps create the social and physical environments that support community health over the long term.
Videos of health system leaders discussing how their organizations are working with key stakeholders and using community investment to improve individual and community well-being and advance health equity.
Sens. Todd Young, R-Ind., and Debbie Stabenow, D-Mich., introduced the Social Determinants Accelerator Act, AHA-supported legislation that would provide planning grants and technical assistance to help states and communities address the social determinants of health for high-need patients.
This virtual event will feature CCI leaders discussing their recently released Investing in Community Health: A Toolkit for Hospitals and a case example highlighting what the organizations have learned about launching successful community investment initiatives. Following the overview of the…
Amazon Web Services (AWS) has pledged to invest $40 million over the next three years in organizations working on improving health outcomes for underserved and underrepresented communities.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has awarded $3 million for 20 planning grants to accelerate public health strategies that reduce the burden of chronic disease among people experiencing health disparities and inequities.
Social determinants of health – where we live, work and play – have tremendous affect on one’s health, and they can affect anyone, regardless of age, race, ethnicity.  Help your organization and community better understand how social determinants impact your patients and neighbors as well as what…
There is still a quarter to go, but 2021 already has been a year of explosive growth for Cityblock Health. The primary care startup that targets Medicaid and low-income Medicare populations has raised roughly $900 in funding since last December and is now valued at $5.7 billion.
The AHA Task Force on Ensuring Access in Vulnerable Communities examined ways in which the access to and delivery of care could be improved. During that process, the Task Force grappled with the reality that, in vulnerable communities, even if quality care is available, social determinants often…
An annual conference hosted by AHA Community Health Improvement (ACHI) and the Institute for Diversity and Health Equity (IFDHE).