Social Determinants of Health

Atrium Health Levine Childrens’ school-based virtual clinic makes it easier for children to prevent and manage their asthma symptoms.
Some hospitals and health systems are taking steps to address social determinants of health (SDOH) in their communities by funding affordable housing, partnering with rideshare companies and food pantries to meet local needs. A recent study published in the Journal of the American Medical…
AHA’s Duane Reynolds, president and CEO of the Institute for Diversity and Health Equity, and Priya Bathija, vice president of The Value Initiative, today addressed the 2019 Management Institute at Ohio State University’s Division of Health Services Management and Policy.
Duane Reynolds, president and CEO of the AHA’s Institute for Diversity and Health Equity, and Priya Bathija, vice president of AHA’s The Value Initiative, discuss how health equity is a moral issue that affects the length and quality of people’s lives.
In this AHA Advancing Health podcast, Julia Resnick, senior program manager for AHA’s The Value Initiative, leads a discussion about Z codes and their benefits in indicating a patient’s history, status or problem that may affect health care. Priya Bathija, TVI vice president, and Nelly Leon-Chisen…
Nearly one in 10 Medicare enrollees aged 65 or older, and four in 10 younger Medicare enrollees with long-term disabilities, experience food insecurity, according to a study reported today.
Duane Reynolds, president and CEO of AHA’s Institute for Diversity and Health Equity, and other AHA leaders recently visited Kearny County Hospital, a critical access hospital in Kansas, where they met with the hospital’s board and community leaders about the organization’s innovative efforts to…
A new report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine recommends actions for health care systems, government agencies and others to better integrate patients’ social needs into health care delivery.
To help address social determinants of health, Cleveland-based MetroHealth opened the Institute for H.O.P.E. (Health, Opportunity, Partnership and Empowerment) to serve the local neighborhood and patients with resources such as computer and financial literacy training, a food pantry, legal…
As digital health technologies enable changes in how and where care is delivered, hospitals and health systems must evaluate their strategic direction. A new AHA Center for Health Innovation report — “Digital Transformation: Anywhere Care” — offers insights and analysis about the three shifts made…