Stories about hospitals and health systems making a positive difference in their communities are not in short supply. Yet, these stories rarely become national headlines. When they do, these stories can uplift and inspire us all.

Recently, I had the pleasure of working with Fox News on a story about hospitals tackling homelessness. It shows how hospitals in Denver and Chicago are investing in real estate and moving individuals directly from hospital emergency rooms into stable housing with intensive case management.

At AHA, we’re working with hospitals and health systems nationwide to develop, deploy and scale innovative approaches to address the social determinants of health, such as housing instability, and improve the health of all communities. 

Our Hospital Community Cooperative (HCC) initiative aims to make it easier for hospitals and community organizations to partner on grassroots interventions that advance health in America. And it’s having measurable results. 

Check out the Fox News story here, and learn more about the HCC program.

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