
A March 14 editorial in the Washington Post calling for Congress to enact so-called site-neutral policies is deeply flawed and incredibly out of touch with the realities hospitals and health systems are experiencing right now.
Congress will return home for a short recess over the President’s Day holiday on Feb. 19. During this period, AHA members are urged to connect with their lawmakers to request hospitals are protected in new bills to fund the government beyond two March deadlines.
Billionaire-backed Arnold Ventures is once again pushing its anti-hospital agenda with a new one-page “report” making the Orwellian claim that “site-neutral payment reforms will protect rural patients,” writes Aaron Wesolowski, AHA vice president of research strategy and policy communications.
Once again, the anti-hospital, billionaire-backed Arnold Ventures is pushing its anti-hospital agenda with a “report” that is so disingenuous and has so many limitations that it cannot be taken seriously.
Hospitals and health systems play critical roles in preserving access to care for patients in rural America. They have increasingly stepped up to fill voids in access to care by reinvesting through access points like hospital outpatient departments (HOPDs). These sites of care provide essential…
In an interview Jan. 17 in the Washington Post’s Health 202 newsletter, AHA President and CEO Rick Pollack explains why ‘site-neutral’ Medicare proposals jeopardize access to hospital care for vulnerable populations, the need to delay impending cuts to Medicaid disproportionate share hospitals and…
As congressional leaders continue to hammer out annual spending bills ahead of the Jan. 19 and Feb. 2 deadlines to fund various agencies, a number of important issues affecting hospitals and health systems are being considered.
AHA comments regarding the ongoing government funding discussion, AHA Urges Congress to eliminate Medicaid DSH cuts, reject Site-neutral payments.
While Medicare has historically reimbursed hospitals below the cost of providing care to patients, new data shows that Medicare payment levels hit record lows in 2022.