
An estimated 46,041 Americans died from opioid overdoses between October 2016 and October 2017, a 15% increase from the prior 12-month period.
AHA letter to Representatives Greg Walden, and Frank Pallone expressing support for The Limited Repeal of the IMD Exclusion for Adult Medicaid Beneficiaries with Substance Use Disorder Act. 
The House Ways and Means Committee on Wednesday will mark up four bills intended to address the opioid crisis.
The House Energy and Commerce Committee today approved six AHA-supported bills to address the opioid crisis.
Tom Nickels Executive Vice President American Hospital Association May 9, 2018
The House Energy and Commerce Health Subcommittee today held a hearing on draft legislation that would align 42 CFR Part 2 regulations on confidentiality of substance use disorder records with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act privacy rule.
Rep. Peter Roskam (R-IL), chairman of the Health Subcommittee on Ways and Means, today stressed the need for Congress to reduce certain regulations on providers that “have no relationship to patient health.”
AHA expresses strong support for legislation that would allow responsible sharing of patient substance use disorder (SUD) treatment information and prevent inappropriate and dangerous prescribing of opioids by amending 42 CFR Part 2 to align with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability…
Watch the video The timing of the AHA Annual Membership Meeting presents a “real opportunity to talk with your members of Congress about what you are doing back home,” specifically how hospitals are improving value and affordability, coping with escalating drug prices and working at the front…