Novel Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19)

The Department of Health and Human Services reminded health care providers that HIPAA privacy rules bar them from giving media and film crews access to facilities where patients’ protected health information is accessible without the patients’ prior authorization, even during the current COVID-19…
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently launched a webpage to provide information about an agency-developed serologic test to detect SARS-CoV-2 antibodies.
The Food and Drug Administration issued guidance implementing section 3121 of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act, which requires manufacturers to notify FDA of a permanent discontinuance or significant interruption in the manufacture of certain medical devices to prevent or…
The AHA urged the American Bankers Association to encourage its member financial institutions to commit to working expeditiously with hospital and health system borrowers who are unable to meet financial and operating covenants because of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Leaders from the Senate, House and Administration are working on proposals for the next COVID-19 relief package. While timing for the next package is still uncertain, previous COVID-19 relief legislation have come together quickly, so it is important to engage with your lawmakers immediately.
Leaders from the Senate, House and Administration are working on proposals for the next COVID-19 relief package. While timing for the next package is still uncertain, previous COVID-19 relief legislation have come together quickly, so it is important to engage with your lawmakers immediately.
Prevailing in the nation’s fight against COVID-19 requires the undivided focus and full deployment of health care facilities and professionals serving on the front lines of the pandemic across the country.
The AHA urged the American Bankers Association to encourage its member financial institutions to commit to working expeditiously with hospital and health system borrowers who are unable to meet financial and operating covenants because of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, and to support relief…
During this national health crisis, hospitals and health systems are doing everything they can to care for their patients and communities, and that extends to our health care heroes serving on the front lines — physicians, nurses and the entire health care team, including food services,…