
The AHA appreciates the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission’s concerns about rising pharmaceutical costs and urged the Commission to continue to take action to achieve sustainable drug pricing.
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Administrator Seema Verma today discussed the administration’s three primary goals for strengthening Medicare – empowering patients, innovating and aligning incentives – during an Alliance for Health Policy event for reporters and other stakeholders.
AHA commends MedPAC and HHS for voicing significant concerns about rising pharmaceutical costs. 
CMS today announced plans to advance a Medicare Advantage Qualifying Payment Arrangement Incentive (MAQI) Demonstration that would exempt clinicians who participate in certain payment arrangements with MA organizations from the MIPS reporting requirements and payment adjustment.
AHA today urged the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services to expand the data it makes available through standard analytic files and to share currently available data on a timelier basis.
The AHA urges the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services to expand the data it makes available through standard analytic files and to share currently available data on a timelier basis.
The AHA appreciates the extensive work CMS has done to develop and alternative to the current SNF case-mix system. However, our evaluation of the patient-driven payment model still has several flaws, which must be addressed before the PDPM proposal can be finalized.
The AHA appreciates the extensive work CMS has done to develop and alternative to the current SNF case-mix system. However, our evaluation of the patient-driven payment model still has several flaws, which must be addressed before the PDPM proposal can be finalized.
The AHA supports several of the proposed rule’s provisions. In particular, we appreciate and endorse the agency’s proposal to permanently withdraw the 25% Rule; however, we have substantial concerns with the associated budget neutrality adjustment proposed by CMS. We also support the proposed…
The AHA today submitted comments on the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ inpatient prospective payment system proposed rule for fiscal year 2019, offering key recommendations with respect to Medicare Disproportionate Share Hospital payment, CAR T-cell therapy, rural hospitals, the wage…