
Virginia legislators yesterday voted to approve a budget bill that would expand access to Medicaid coverage to as many as 400,000 low-income residents.
In comments submitted yesterday, AHA strongly urged the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services to withdraw a proposed rule that would exempt states with high Medicaid managed care enrollment or that propose “nominal” rate reductions from requirements to assess whether their Medicaid fee-for-…
AHA's comment on the CMS proposed rule to amend requirements that states assess their Medicaid fee-for-service provider payments to determine if they are sufficient to ensure beneficiary access to covered services.
In January 2018, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services issued guidance setting forth the standards it will apply in granting state waivers conditioning Medicaid eligibility on compliance with work and community engagement requirements.1
AHA letter to Representatives Greg Walden, and Frank Pallone expressing support for The Limited Repeal of the IMD Exclusion for Adult Medicaid Beneficiaries with Substance Use Disorder Act. 
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services today updated the Parts B and D drug spending dashboards with 2016 information.
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services yesterday authorized New Hampshire to require certain adults in its Medicaid premium assistance program to work or participate in other “community engagement” activities, such as job training, at least 100 hours per month to remain eligible.
The bills would amend the Medicaid Institutions for Mental Disease exclusion; cover IMD substance use disorder treatment for pregnant women up to 12 months after delivery; and provide grants to study alternative emergency pain management protocols, and develop programs to ensure care coordination…
Current state proposals to require certain Medicaid beneficiaries to participate in work, training or other “community engagement” activity to remain eligible for coverage could affect more than 1.7 million enrollees and nearly $8 billion in program expenditures.
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services is appealing a federal court decision that barred the agency from enforcing in Missouri a 2017 final rule and earlier guidance.