Leveraging Technology

Acute-care hospitals will be required to report on at least four, rather than six, self-selected electronic clinical quality measures for ORYX performance measure reporting in calendar year 2017, the Joint Commission announced today.
The 2009 HITECH Act has spurred “large gains” in hospitals’ adoption of electronic health records, according to a study published yesterday in Health Affairs. Before the federal government implemented the HITECH incentives, EHR adoption rates for eligible hospitals rose 3.2% annually, the…
The Department of Veterans Affairs is rolling out to all VA facilities a telehealth application that securely connects veterans and their health care providers from any mobile or web-based device, President Trump and VA Secretary David Shulkin, M.D., announced yesterday at a VA telehealth event.
Hospitals and health systems are using telehealth to expand access to care, improve outcomes for patients and reduce costs, according to a report released today at the AHA Leadership Summit in San Diego. The report shows how seven hospitals and health systems are using telehealth to expand access…
Inpatient prospective payment system hospitals and eligible professionals who did not achieve meaningful use in the Medicare Electronic Health Record Incentive Program for the 2016 reporting period can apply through July 1 at 11:59 p.m. ET for a hardship exception from the 2018 payment adjustment.…
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services inappropriately paid $729.4 million in Medicare electronic health record incentive payments to eligible professionals who did not meet meaningful use requirements, the Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Inspector General estimated in…
An electronic health records software vendor and certain of its employees will pay a total of $155 million to resolve a False Claims Act lawsuit alleging that the organization misrepresented the capabilities of its software, the Department of Justice announced yesterday. The settlement also…
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services has posted a “centralized repository” of public health agencies and registries ready to electronically receive public health data from hospitals and eligible professionals.