Legislation and Legislative Advocacy

The American Hospital Association (AHA) shares resources on health care legislation being considered by the U.S. House and Senate and legislative advocacy opportunities for hospitals and health systems.

AHA voiced support for H. Res. 909, which condemns violence against health care workers and expresses support for health care personnel.
Without additional funding from Congress, the U.S. cannot secure sufficient COVID-19 vaccine boosters and variant-specific vaccines for all Americans; reimburse providers to test, treat and vaccinate the uninsured; provide monoclonal antibody therapies to states; or sustain testing capacity, among…
The Senate Health, Education, Labor & Pensions committee voted 20-2 to advance, as amended, the PREVENT Pandemics Act (S. 3799), bipartisan legislation to strengthen the nation’s public health and medical preparedness and response systems in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. 
The AHA voiced support for the Hospital Inpatient Services Modernization Act (H.R. 7053 /S. 3792), bipartisan legislation that would extend the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ acute hospital care at home waiver program two years beyond the end of the COVID-19 public health emergency
The House of Representatives passed a $1.5 trillion omnibus appropriations bill that would fund the federal government through the end of the current fiscal year.
The House Appropriations Committee announced an agreement on omnibus appropriations legislation funding the federal government through the end of the current fiscal year.
AHA encouraged the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services to work with Congress to require Medicare Advantage plans to waive prior authorization and other utilization management policies during public health emergencies, especially for hospitals transferring patients to post-acute care. 
Sens. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., and Rob Portman, R-Ohio, introduced the Senate companion to the Post-Disaster Mental Health Response Act (S. 3677), AHA-supported legislation that would expand the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Crisis Counseling Assistance and Training Program to federally-…
The Senate voted 65-27 to pass and send to the president a continuing resolution that would fund federal programs through March 11 to prevent a government shutdown when the current CR expires Feb. 18.
The Senate passed and sent to the president the Dr. Lorna Breen Health Care Provider Protection Act (H.R. 1667), AHA-supported legislation that would authorize grants for programs that offer behavioral health services for front-line health care workers.