
The 2019 AHA Innovation Challenge is a juried award program to source and spread innovative technological approaches that address social determinants of health. The World Health Organization defines social determinants of health as the circumstances in which people are born, grow up, live, work and…
The Senate Health, Education, Labor & Pensions Committee today held a hearing to examine how primary care affects health care costs and outcomes.
AHA Board Chairman Brian Gragnolati today kicked off the AHA Rural Health Care Leadership Conference by welcoming more than 900 rural hospital and health system leaders and trustees.
The rapid transformation of health care has made innovation nothing short of imperative for hospitals and health systems. But innovation can be especially difficult when organizations cannot see through the chaos of a complex, uncertain and volatile environment. In this convenient, one-day…
Only 16 percent of business leaders responding to a recent Harvard Business Review Analytic Services survey said that their company has been very or extremely effective in its innovation attempts to date. And while the survey wasn't targeted specifically to health care, it illustrates the…
After more than a decade of transforming health care for its roughly 1 million workers and huge and loyal customer base, Walmart plans to play an even larger role. Marcus Osborne, vice president of transformation and wellness for the retail giant, made that point clear in a recent talk with the…
Stanford Health Care leaders discussed how the future of health care involves technological innovation with Silicon Valley, and how hospital and health system leaders can partner on meaningful venture opportunities to improve health.
In this guest column, Kenneth Kaufman, chair of Kaufman Hall, discusses how hospitals need scale to keep pace in today’s environment, as well as continue to build on their deep community connections, expertise treating the full range of health conditions and history of serving our most vulnerable…
A newly released Market Insights report from the AHA Center for Health Innovation presents 10 predictions for next year that hospitals and health systems should consider as they prepare for another year of transformative change. Each prediction relates to one or more of the Center’s focus areas,…
As providers, payers and others survey the health care landscape for next year and what potential strategic adjustments to make, keep an eye on these issues identified by some of the field’s prominent advisory firms.