Drug Prices

Press Release Hospital Groups File Lawsuit to Stop Significant Payment Cuts for 340B Hospitals Today, the American Hospital Association (AHA), the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) and America’s Essential Hospitals filed a lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Health and Human…
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Drug Prices

Hospitals bear a heavy financial burden when the cost of drugs increases. They are not only major purchasers of drugs, but patients often end up in the hospital when they cannot afford to take their medications as prescribed. To that end, the American Hospital Association is proud to be a member of…
Millions of Americans worry about the high costs of life-saving prescription drugs. That’s why 25 years ago, Congress created the 340B Drug Pricing Program to help hospitals expand access to prescription drugs and support essential services for our most vulnerable patients. The program constitutes…
Fact: Drug spending is significant and growing each year. Drug manufacturers like to point to retail drug spending, which is around 10 percent of total health care spending,i while ignoring total drug spending, which was 16.7 percent (or $457 billion) in 2015
The Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) released yet another report designed to obfuscate the issue of sky-rocketing drug prices. Once again, PhRMA turned its sights on hospitals in just another example of PhRMA choosing to blame others rather than looking inward at the…
The House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations today held a hearing examining how covered entities use the 340B Drug Pricing Program. Established by Congress in 1992, the program mandates that drug manufacturers provide outpatient drugs to eligible health care…
The latest report from a group financed and backed by the pharmaceutical industry “continues to misrepresent” the 340B Drug Pricing Program and its “successful 25-year history of helping hospitals stretch scarce financial resources to expand and improve access to lifesaving prescription drugs and…
The latest report from AIR340B, a group financed and backed by the pharmaceutical industry, continues to misrepresent a program with a successful 25-year history of helping hospitals stretch scarce financial resources to expand and improve access to lifesaving prescription drugs and comprehensive…
Fifty-seven senators Friday urged the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to “carefully consider stakeholder feedback” before the agency finalizes its proposal to reduce Medicare Part B payment for drugs acquired through the 340B Drug Pricing Program. “The long-term success of the…