Data & Insights

Hospitals have the opportunity to use data to identify outcome disparities that are the result of inequities & societal factors that influence health.
During our rapid response to the COVID-19 pandemic, hospitals and health systems have developed new ways of collecting, evaluating and sharing data to improve patient care. It’s one way the pandemic is reshaping health care now and into the future.
Fourteen health providers announced they have formed a new company, Truveta, to improve the lives of those they serve through data insights.
A new report, “Leveraging Data for Health Innovation,” from the AHA Center for Health Innovation explores the trend of hospitals and health systems finding new ways to glean actionable insights from their data and provides a blueprint for leading a data-driven organization. It explores the…
This discussion guide facilitates conversations, ideas and actions that hospital and health system leaders should consider in their quest to become data-driven organizations that use data for health care innovation. As hospital and health care systems continue to build and refine their data…
Hospital and health system leaders need to have a formal system in place to evaluate and prioritize data projects. Here are 15 criteria to consider when evaluating and prioritizing data projects.
Each organization can use this maturity framework to assess its current capabilities to determine where they are as a data-driven organization and how this impacts their digital transformation.
This Market Insights report from the American Hospital Association’s Center for Health Innovation offers hospital and health system leaders a blueprint for becoming an organization that leverages data for health innovation and for improving clinical, financial and operational performance.
As creators and aggregators of data, hospital and health systems are in a unique position to improve patient experience and outcomes, and reduce cost. Data-driven health care organizations can provide fresh insights on how to meet patients’ needs and future market trends and thwart potential…
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