

Cyber Threat Intelligence, Alerts and Reports

As part of the AHA’s commitment to helping hospitals and health systems prepare for and prevent cyber threats, we have gathered the latest government cyber threat intelligence and alerts and Health Information Sharing and Analysis Center (H-ISAC) reports.

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Cybersecurity & Risk Advisory

Learn how AHA can help hospitals and health systems prepare for and mitigate cyber threats through the expertise of John Riggi, AHA’s National Advisor for Cybersecurity and Risk.

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Sophos XG firewall and Sophos Firewall Operating System was found to be vulnerable to SQL injection (SQLi), and was recently exploited by Asnarök Malware.
Unknown cybercriminals have targeted more than 1,000 US and international businesses with Ryuk ransomware since approximately August 2018.
The Department of Homeland Security and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency have updated their telework guidance to include new guidance on telework best practices, videoconferencing tips, guidance for securing videoconferencing, and specific cybersecurity recommendations for…
As the nation’s risk advisor, CISA brings our partners in industry and the full power of the federal government together to improve American cyber and infrastructure security. The resources below are provided to assist organizations and teleworkers to be secure when working remotely.  …
As the authority for securing telework, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) established this product line with cybersecurity principles and practices that individuals and organizations can follow to video conference more securely. Although CISA is providing this general risk…
Unknown cyber actors have targeted multiple US and international businesses with Maze ransomware since early 2019.
Advances in mobile health (mHealth), respectively Io THealth, are likely to reduce costs and improve the quality of healthcare. Although telehealth systems may improve the quality of healthcare, the digitalization of health records, the collection, evaluation and provisioning of patient data,…
Cyber actors have launched phishing campaigns against first responders, initiated denial-of-service assaults against government agencies and threatened medical facilities with ransomware attacks.
Advances in mobile health (mHealth), respectively IoTHealth, are likely to reduce costs and improve the quality of healthcare. Although telehealth systems may improve the quality of healthcare, the digitalization of health records, the collection, evaluation and provisioning of patient data, and…
In part two of this two-part podcast, two senior officials at the forefront of the ongoing duel with cybercriminals.