

Cyber Threat Intelligence, Alerts and Reports

As part of the AHA’s commitment to helping hospitals and health systems prepare for and prevent cyber threats, we have gathered the latest government cyber threat intelligence and alerts and Health Information Sharing and Analysis Center (H-ISAC) reports.

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Cybersecurity & Risk Advisory

Learn how AHA can help hospitals and health systems prepare for and mitigate cyber threats through the expertise of John Riggi, AHA’s National Advisor for Cybersecurity and Risk.

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The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) created HC3 to help identify, correlate, and communicate cybersecurity information across the healthcare and public health (HPH) sector. This brief examines social media attacks.
Cyber actors have exploited built-in network protocols, designed to reduce computational overhead of day-to-day system and operational functions, to conduct larger and more destructive distributed denial of service (DDoS) amplification attacks against US networks
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The FBI has observed unattributed cyber actors registering numerous domains spoofing legitimate US-based airport websites, indicating the potential for future operational activity.
.webreplay{ border: solid 2px #777; padding: 15px 5px; margin: 0 0 10px 15px; } @media (min-width:360px){ .webreplay{ min-width: 290px; float: right; } } On-demand Webinar   MktoForms2.loadForm("//", "734-ZTO-041", 5692); For health system CIOs, who…
This edition of Hacking Healthcare includes an update on the progress various countries are making on digital contact-tracing and outlines the important role healthcare organizations play in advancing discussion on the topic.
This guide provides participants with instructions and helpful tips for the Health Sector Cybersecurity Coordination Center (HC3) Cybersecurity Threat Briefing Series, hosted via WebEx. The WebEx link in the calendar invite enables participant access to the briefing. See related documents below.
NATO issued a statement condemning “destabilising and malicious cyber activities directed against those whose work is critical to the response against the pandemic,” including hospitals, health care services and research institutes.