Community Partnerships

What is it?Turn 2 Us (T2U) is an elementary school-based program that aims to improve social, behavioral and academic performance for children at risk for developing mental health disorders. The program provides a range of services to students, staff and parents through a partnership between Turn 2…
What is it?Retreat & Refresh Stroke Camp (RRSC), a nonprofit with a national network of camps, offers a weekend getaway for stroke survivors, their caregivers and families. Approximately 40 stroke survivors and caregivers spend the weekend participating in games, skits, music, arts and crafts,…
What is it?Since 2002, St. Vincent’s Hispanic Outreach (HO) has helped Latino communities take charge of and prevent illness. The program promotes wellness through health screenings and health education and works with partners to provide low-cost primary care to more than 140 Latinos annually. The…
What is it?With offices in the Family Practice Center at Saint Francis Hospital and the Center of Hope in Newark, the Tiny Steps Program fosters healthy pregnancies, healthy babies and healthy families. The program offers complete prenatal, maternity and post-partum care, bilingual health classes,…
What is it?The diabetes initiative was formed as a pilot program with the goal of improving the quality of care for the growing diabetic population in Sussex County. The program was implemented in 10 primary care practices, and educated providers regarding current evidence-based practices for…
What is it? In August 2014, Campbell County Health (CCH) became the first health care facility in Wyoming to be approved to provide chest X-rays for the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Coal Workers Health Surveillance Program. The approval permits CCH to conduct…
What is it?Developed by MedStar Health, Hair, Heart and Health (HHH) is a community-based program that seeks to reduce risk for cardiovascular disease among African-American men. Barbershops serve as a community venue, offering screenings for high blood pressure and diabetes. The program trains…
What is it?Wheels of Mercy is a vehicle used to bring health resources and screenings to hard-to-reach, low-income urban and rural communities. The program staffs two mobile service units that provide information, enrollment assistance and referrals. They also offer limited primary care screenings…
What is it?Living Grand addresses body and spirit with education for seniors. Highlights include monthly education sessions; a free quarterly publication; a directory of local senior services; a memory-loss support group for caregivers; a “Stepping On” program that helps reduce falls; a geriatric…
What is it?This six-month program brings recreational therapists, golf professionals, volunteers and people with physical disabilities together to teach, learn and play golf. Monthly golf clinics are held with golf professionals providing instruction, recreational therapists providing assistance…