Bundled Payment

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services will accept applications through March 12 for a new voluntary bundled payment model that will qualify as an advanced alternative payment model under Medicare’s Quality Payment Program for clinicians.
Only 12% of eligible hospitals signed up for the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ Bundled Payments for Care Improvement initiative and 47% of them dropped out within two years, according to a study reported today in the Journal of the American Medical Association. The voluntary…
Data analyses of key affordability measures and information on the latest trends, based on current data, to help inform the hospital field. The first, a TrendWatch and compendium provide information to help hospitals and health systems evaluate which value-based payment models…
The CMS Nov. 30 issued a final rule cancelling the cardiac and surgical hip and femur fracture treatment bundled payment models.
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services today issued a final rule that cancels the cardiac and surgical hip and femur fracture treatment mandatory bundling payment programs, known as the episode payment models. It also cancels the cardiac rehabilitation incentive payment model. These…
Growing in popularity, bundled payment programs generally provide a single, comprehensive payment that covers all of the services involved in a patient's episode of care.
CMS Aug. 15 proposed to cancel the cardiac and surgical hip and femur fracture treatment (SHFFT) bundled payment models. Details of the proposed rule follow.
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services today issued a proposed rule that would cancel the cardiac and surgical hip and femur fracture treatment mandatory bundling payment programs, known as the episode payment models. It also would cancel the cardiac rehabilitation incentive payment model…